Tuesday, June 29, 2010

and so it begins..

David and I are engaged!

Explanation and pictures to follow this evening!

Monday, June 14, 2010

indian treasures

This weekend David and I attended my good friend Sonya's wedding. The weekend was full of culture and friends and fun. David and I had a blast at the reception! A traditional American ceremony with a semi-traditional Indian reception complete with dancers and Indian food.

Here is one of the better pictures David and I have taken in a long time.

Beautiful Indian sari.

Being carried in a dance by her cousins! So much fun!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today I picked up the latest issue of Tribeza magazine, and look what little treasure I found. Mack and Sally Brown. The article is amazing, written by Sally Brown herself. It just really touched me and I love that they are apart of the Texas tradition and football experience here in Austin! You can read the whole article at Tribeza's website.


And tonight is my dear Bunco night with girlfriends. Wine, dinner, a lot of talking, and oh... 3 dice.

And! The new design excitement in my life is sharing the experience of furnishing and designing a beach house with my mom. Thats right, come October, our family will be the proud owners of a lovely little house just 100 yds or so from the Gulf of Mexico in Port Aransas, TX. My mom has had a blast starting the designing in her head, with an inspiration book with magazine cut-outs and swatches. So, I'll be posting updates of that endeavor over the next couple of months. Its already framed and on its way to becoming a real house! Hopefully David and I can join the family down there soon after all the bridesmaids duties cease in July!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the heels take over...

So, now that we don't have anything to really "build" or "design". The heels are taking over and I've decided to just write about all the little treasures that I find. On the fabulous world wide web, my travels, day to day, work, why not?

My first find comes from the most recent and I might add drab Sex and the City 2 movie... But what is more exciting than the storyline or the drama are THESE RUGS! The Rug Company is a long time sustainer of all things RUG in the show and in the recent movies. I don't know about many of you, but when I was watching the movie, I didn't want to hear about Samantha'
s menopausal hormones or Charlotte's crying baby... I was paying more attention to all the loveliness that was around them! Here are two images of The Rug Company's rugs in the movie set.


And in my perusing of the internets today I also found some lovely Sex and the City 2 interior shots that I found lovely, one of which is actually Carrie's remodeled original apartment. One of the most stunning moments of the 1st movie. Still a wonder to me now.

These photos are courtesy of elledecor.com of whose magazine I subscribe to. A little treasure in my mailbox every other month. And look what else I found. Pictures of Candace Bushnell and Sarah Jessica Parker's own homes.

Candace Bushnell's Home | elledecor.com

Sarah Jessica Parker's Home | elledecor.com

Sarah Jessica Parker's Home | elledecor.com

So there you go, a little summer fun a-la Sex and the City 2. Even if the story wasn't well planned, the interiors stepped up for the show.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Handsome and Heels

So, I'm not going to apologize about not writing in a whole month, because everyone who writes blogs and doesn't blog for a long time always apologizes. But there is no need for apologies in the blog world. Blogs are for come and go writing about exciting things in your life or fun facts or interesting things to do/find. We have not had any of that in our lives over the past month, hence the cease in updates about your dear Hammers and Heels couple.

However, I would like to talk a little about the season of summer. Oh summer, how I love you so. No longer are goose bumps continually on my arms and legs, or the scarf perpetually wrapped around my neck, nor the constant worry of stepping on a cold surface or touching a cold beverage. I am free from the subconscious avoidance of anything minutely cold.

Now that we have 95 degree weather every day all day, I don't mind the heat. I can sweat with the best of them. And I am now at peace with my environment. The only thing that peeves me about summer are my car's leather seats. Holy goodness! You know what I'm talking about. Good thing I don't have the Ford Escape anymore with the black leather seats, and instead have the tan leather... I'm talking 10 times more hot when your white little legs sit down on them after that black bakes in the sun for 2 hours while you were in Nordstrom.

The summer also brings on WEDDING SEASON. Which is what David and I are about to enter into. This upcoming weekend marks my good friend Sonya Nair's wedding in Houston. A whole weekend of a beautiful hotel, pretty bridesmaids dress, culture, and driving.

The weekend after is my good friend Amy Anthony's wedding in Fort Worth. Another fun weekend full of driving (not by us! Carrie and Daniel are taking us with them!) another pretty bridesmaids dress, and lots of friends!

The weekend after that is my birthday and we are celebrating in Albuquerque with Morgan and Michael Grimm! I am so stinking excited about this weekend. A good break with my best friend in the world doing fun stuff in a fun town. (There is also a casino ;)

Then, after a good break in Albuquerque we return to Texas for my best friend Carrie Asher's wedding in Austin. A full weekend of primping, beautiful bridesmaids dress, beautiful venue, good friends and NOT driving!

Then we are free! So, "Hammers and Heels" are more like "Handsome and Heels" for the next month of suits and ties and dresses and fancy food and hotels. Then our lives are back to normal, as well as our bank accounts, our weekends, our gas consumption and diets. Then maybe we can get going on some much needed TLC to the Gardenridge Hollow house, aka my house.