Saturday, July 19, 2014

saved our sanity

Ellery is exclusively formula fed.  We tried the whole breast feeding thing.  It didn't work, just like it didn't work for my mom with me.  Go figure.  Apple, meet tree.

So, we started her on formula at about 3 weeks old, and shes been on it ever since.  The brand has changed as well as the bottle we use, but one thing that stayed the same was making the bottle, and warming the damn thing.  It takes like 7 minutes with the most expensive bottle warming device.  Thats 7 minutes that I don't have!  Thats 7 minutes too late, when all of a sudden your baby gives you the "I'm hungry" cues and you need a bottle 1 minute ago.

So, we were at a party and another formula baby mom asked me if we had heard of the Baby Brezza Formula Pro, aka the Keurig for formula.  I was actually very surprised I hadn't.  Between my friends with new babys and facebook and pinterest, I thought I had heard of it all.

The Baby Brezza Formula Pro makes a bottle in 10 seconds.  10 seconds!  The water in the reservoir is already the perfect temperature, and there are these special discs you insert for your specific formula that make sure your 2 oz or 4 oz or even 10 oz bottle has the perfect ratio of water to formula, and it deposits them both in the bottle without you ever having to get your hands dirty.

I went and read some reviews on Amazon.  They were iffy.  Some said there was so much maintenance, and that it wouldn't do the right ratios and their baby got sick.  So I was kind of worried, but we HAD to try it out.  If it worked for us... it would be life changing.  We bought it at Target, kept the receipt, read all the instructions, set it up and now after 2 months, it still is probably the best baby item we have.  Sorry bumbo, sorry wipee warmer, sorry swaddle... Formula Pro you are the winner.

There are a couple of things the manufacturer could work on.

1.  There really is no need for the formula and water to be mixed within the machine prior to entering the bottle.  This just allows more mess within the machine due to the formula being so sensitive to moisture.  We have to shake the bottle after its been poured anyway...
2.  The "shelf" for the bottle is moveable for different heights of bottles.  Its a horrible design and does not stay in its slots, hence the coffee cup that sits under ours.

So, if you end up having to do formula, this is a must!