Saturday, November 16, 2013

20 weeks, half way there.

20 weeks.  Half way there.  Belly is bigger than most people 6 weeks ahead of me... Go figure.

I'm feeling great, which I'm sure other pregnant people hate to hear.  But there is always the next 20 weeks.

Thursday afternoon (11/21/13) we get to find out if baby Walker is a boy or a girl.  We are beyond excited and have plans to share the news with our family the next night at dinner.  So, all you friends out there can't know until after then.  Sorry.   And how we tell them will be a big surprise too.  I'll obviously post a picture of our family reveal next weekend.

Here is my belly bump at 20 weeks (I had to show some leg ;) and its like 80 degrees in Austin in November so I had to document that as well), and my stats chart. 

I'd also like to say there are a crazy number of friends pregnant right now.  There must be something in the water.  Love you all.


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