Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Dream Team"

Here we are once again. David and Katie, the "dream team" as some of our friends like to call us. On our way to another remarkable transformation. Please follow our progress as we cultivate David's classic 1973 home into one devoid of carpet in the kitchen and popcorn ceilings.

Demolition weekend was a great success......everything except the sheetrock was removed!!

Below are pictures of before and progress thus far. Believe us when we say that there was a lot of thought, talks, and planning that took place prior to starting. David and I are so excited to be able to share this experience and many more with you all!

Kitchen. The island is gone, but it was big and yellow. And yes, that is carpet in the kitchen.

Carpet close-up.

Living Room. Looking at Entry and Front Door. Kitchen behind.

Living Room. Fireplace wall.

Guest Bathroom linoleum close-up.
Master Bedroom. Left opening - old closet being repurposed. Right opening - existing to remain bathroom.
More to come!

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