Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the heels take over...

So, now that we don't have anything to really "build" or "design". The heels are taking over and I've decided to just write about all the little treasures that I find. On the fabulous world wide web, my travels, day to day, work, why not?

My first find comes from the most recent and I might add drab Sex and the City 2 movie... But what is more exciting than the storyline or the drama are THESE RUGS! The Rug Company is a long time sustainer of all things RUG in the show and in the recent movies. I don't know about many of you, but when I was watching the movie, I didn't want to hear about Samantha'
s menopausal hormones or Charlotte's crying baby... I was paying more attention to all the loveliness that was around them! Here are two images of The Rug Company's rugs in the movie set.


And in my perusing of the internets today I also found some lovely Sex and the City 2 interior shots that I found lovely, one of which is actually Carrie's remodeled original apartment. One of the most stunning moments of the 1st movie. Still a wonder to me now.

These photos are courtesy of elledecor.com of whose magazine I subscribe to. A little treasure in my mailbox every other month. And look what else I found. Pictures of Candace Bushnell and Sarah Jessica Parker's own homes.

Candace Bushnell's Home | elledecor.com

Sarah Jessica Parker's Home | elledecor.com

Sarah Jessica Parker's Home | elledecor.com

So there you go, a little summer fun a-la Sex and the City 2. Even if the story wasn't well planned, the interiors stepped up for the show.

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