Wednesday, August 18, 2010

fun find!

So, as I am perusing the internets for all things chic and fun for our wedding, I came across an old friend... Urban Outfitters. Now, when I was in college, we all LOVED "Urban". They had all kinds of neat stuff you hadn't ever seen before, and sometimes you would find that your bff had bought the exact same top you had for that Date Dash party on Thursday night. Bummer, but still great stuff.

So, today, I came across them again. I knew they had "apartment" furniture, but it was always very basic, plastic, and somewhat temporary... perfect for college living.

But now they have some super amazing finds. As shown below with their prices...

Table $148

Headboard $348

Chair $288

Fainting Sofa $578

Layered Table $78

4x6 Rug $48

Letters $10 each

So, there you have it. All my wants from Urban. Plus, I found some steals for the wedding too.

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