Saturday, October 27, 2012

tutorial - hand painted windows!

I have a little Etsy store called Edith Kelly Kate.

I used to sell vintage windows with hand-painted graphics on them.

But, that got to be a little hard/time-consuming.  I loved doing it, but the shipping was a monster.  The boxes we had to use were HUGE.  And these were windows, with GLASS shipping all over the U.S.  I have shipped to Georgia, a lot to Louisiana, the state of Washington and even... CHINA!  I couldn't believe it, and it got there without breaking!  But that was the hard part.  In order for these old 100 yr old windows not to break during the treacherous process of  shipping I had to practically create a mini UPS store in our house/garage.  I had bulk stock of packing peanuts, styrofoam stiffener blocks, and bubble wrap.  My husband David was SO helpful every Sunday at 10pm helping me get these things ready for a trip to UPS/FedEx the next morning.  But it got old, and there were more important things in my life.

So, I took all my window listings off of my Etsy store, and instead created new items that were more along the lines of what I really love to do.  Graphic design with text/typography.

However, I still receive SO many requests for the windows, that its overwhelming and I feel HORRIBLE that I don't make them anymore.  But they are SO easy to do.  So I created a tutorial on how to make them.  It gets a little wordy... (as my dear friends know I can do well) but I just want to make sure it makes sense!

So, click the link below and share for anyone looking for a great, DIY project and personal piece of art!

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