Sunday, March 28, 2010

slowly but surely

Little by little, the house is coming together. Painting is still going on to the trim work within the house. David is still cutting and nailing baseboards, and I'm still coming behind him with the caulk. Its a long and arduous process.

But, a shining moment for the weekend was this! The backsplash was installed. 4" x 12" travertine acts as a border at the top and bottom, and 2x2 tumbled travertine is in between. It looks very nice with the Giallo Ornamental.

David also insalled the microwave. You could almost live there now.

And the final task of the weekend was power washing. HD started power washing the stone on the house, and it looks 100x better already, but the patio and driveway were just too much for a little nozzle to handle. So, out comes the "whirlybird" as David and David like to call it.
David's friend David Evans and his dad came by Sunday morning with their state of the art steam activated pressure washer.
Look at the difference. Left is after, Right is before... Amazing.
So that's it for this week/weekend. Exterior painting will hopefully start happening this next week. Carpet is being installed the week after Easter and then we can start moving furniture in.
Hip hip hooray!

1 comment:

  1. OOOH AAAH! I love it! The dream team has done it again!
