Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, this will be my last post until this Sunday... I'm in the crunch zone of studying for my licensing exam that takes place this Friday and Saturday. Its been a long 4 months and I am ready to have a social life again and put all my gumption and energy into the house instead of into a book...

But here are a couple of items that have gone on this past week/weekend.

Here is David on the boom lift, trimming the trees in the backyard. It is absolutely beautiful out there and he is making it even more so.

There he is, playin' lumberjack for the day. He still had traces of "tree" on his face that night.

Here is a little treasure for all of you. This is David's niece, Sidney. She is a precious doll and I just had to add this picture in today to put a smile on everyone's faces! Plus, I gave her the outfit and bow and had to show off my sense of baby style and my photography skills.

And here is a little teaser. These are the front beams that we have painted with the new trim color... Its a HUGE improvement from that blood orange color that was on there before. But its not completely done yet and we still have so much to do, like the front door and the garage door and the accent trim around that. But, much of that, since I'm in charge of the front door and trim around it, will have to wait until after April 10. I'm far too busy with my nose in books, and chapped lips from writing feverish notes.
Until then, have a great week. And! Leave a comment if you want! Just click that little button down there at the bottom. Or, become a Follower! Its super easy and honestly I just want to be a "popular" blogger... I'm jealous of all my other friends that blog and have, like 30 followers.


  1. The house is looking FAB! Love the trimmed trees and neutral exterior paint! Go Hammers and Heals! - Carrie C

  2. I'm feeling the lighter one. It brings out the brightness of the tile.
    Honey onyx tile
