Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm obsessed. The good kind though.

If there is a good kind.

I LOVE watching MrArturoTrejo on YouTube.  You may have seen the YouTube video "Interview with a 1-Year Old" (below) on Pinterest or Facebook.  I think that is how I started watching their videos in the first place.  And they are crazy addictive.  Short, sweet, funny, and addicting.  And that is why I now subscribe to his channel and watch every week.

{Oh, and I also downloaded "Arturo"'s new app... Tabeso, started using it this weekend during SXSW.  Actually pretty helpful for stuff that is not SXSW sponsored...}

The baby is the most precious.  Jose Luis.  

{However I have learned recently that these are not their real  names, Arturo - Dad, Jose Luis - Baby, and Nancy - Mom.  He changed them for privacy which is probably smart, since there are probably people out there who are way more obsessed than me.  But remember, my obsession is the good kind.}

Enjoy and let me know if you are as obsessed as me.  What a fun family!

Monday, March 11, 2013

miscellaneous monday: forgot a couple

I forgot some important items.  Here are more excerpts from our lives.

Reba some how got a huge gash in her underarm area that we found one night right before bed.  She seemed totally fine so we decided to wait until the next day to take her to the emergency vet.  {Call me a horrible animal parent, but I am not going to let a cat that is not miserable keep me from sleeping in my own bed at normal hours of the night.}  Needless to say I didn't sleep well that night at all and the next day was spent waiting by the phone for the emergency vet (who had some horrible cases come in that day like an electrocuted dog and a run-over dog) to call us and tell us to come get her. 

She wore this collar for, mmm.  Maybe 15 minutes once home until she pulled it off by herself and we didn't find it for a whole week.  So, there was no keeping it on her but she was a champ at not messing with it for the most part.  The WORST part was keeping this cat inside for 2 weeks.  We successfully kept her in for 1 week, but her cries were just getting pathetic.  Oh to be a pet parent. 

And this was the hole that my father-in-law dug to unearth the missing cleanout that solved the drain issue we had a couple of days ago.  Bless him.  However I was very concerned after hearing that he had successfully dug said hole due to the fact that he recently had surgery (successful) in November.  Again, bless him, I love him.

That is all. thank you and good night.

miscellaneous monday: utter enjoyment

We've been utterly enjoying the past several months.  No big events, no obligations, it has been nice just relaxing and living in the moment.  It helps when its too cold outside to make David do yard work and just easier to say lets watch a movie and have some hot toddies.  Here are some fun hi-lights of our past several months.

B.t.w.  I love Instagram and the filters you can use to create some classic pictures.  But sometimes I don't want to post to Instagram to just get that effect.  Are there any apps that just let you create filters for your camera roll pics?

{out at Little Woodrows}

{Rodeo Gala, Dierks Bentley sang a song for me (not really)}

{Dierks Bentley}

{We went and saw Bob Schneider for Valentine's Day.  And had dinner before with one of our favorite couples, Kathy and Ross Wilson}

{I saw this in Southern Living [subscription thanks to Nancy Walker] and am obsessed with this finish on the brick and now am insistent that we do it to ours.}

{Mom is the lover of all furniture consignment stores and found this little gem for us for our master bedroom.  It might need something large and gourd-ish up top...  It holds all my dresses and boots.}

{Did you know that jute rugs create sand deposits on your floor?  Now you do.  We discovered this little surprise one night around 10pm and I made David and my brother move the rug and clean the floor.  All while I had a glass of wine.  Fix. Drape ours over some chairs and blew it out with the yard blower.}

{Rodeo Austin.  This is the most unsanitary thing I have ever done. But it made me laugh.}

{My cowboy.}

Saturday, March 9, 2013

sharing saturday

Here are some additional pictures of our house as requested by some of our friends.  Thanks for the love.

{gallery wall in hallway}

{back guest bedroom}

{front study/office}

{kitchen table and bar area}

{living room}

{living room}