Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do I have wrinkles?

No. Hopefully not for awhile. Because I've started a "regimen". 

I've never really had that habitual process of washing my face, putting on face cream or serum or anti aging miracle cream. I just wash my face with a drugstore soap and then put on the tried and true Oil of Olay. That's what I've always done. 

But then I was invited to an Arbonne party. And thought. Well this is fairly well priced, I'm impressed by their practices and commitment to healthy natural products, and I don't know the first thing about anti aging lotions. (Did you know you should start using anti aging creams/serums at the age of 25?? There goes 4 years of preventing wrinkles.)

It's great for me. I can tell a difference in my skin tone, the way my skin feels and I know I'm helping to prevent aging and all that bad stuff. They also have all kinds of other stuff like shampoo, dietary stuff, makeup etc. 

I won't ramble on about Arbonne. If you're interested here is their website.  Enjoy!

Oh and if you're interested, I know someone who sells it! (Not me, the BFF)


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