Sunday, July 15, 2012

rain = humidty = wall texture can't dry = delays

No new reports at the time.  Apparently it has been too hot and humid for the new texture on the walls to dry, so we are still in a holding pattern.  After these darn walls are finished so much more can happen!  (But I am very happy that its been raining!)

Here is what I have been doing however, lots of thinking.  And photoshop.  I love me some photoshop.

This is my rendition of our living room.  We pretty much own every piece of furniture in this image except for the coffee table.  Sweet momma bought me the charcoal grey chairs.  I also love me some grey.  And tufting.  And nailheads.  So its the perfect trifecta of desgin-ness.

After this... I have no idea what I will do everywhere else.  We have so much in storage, a 10x20 foot unit.  It is packed, and I haven't seen anything in there since March.  So you can imagine I literally have a mental block of design.  So most of the "coming together" will have to happen when we move in.  Which is looking more like mid-August instead of beginning of August :(

Happy Sunday!  enjoy the rain!

katie, H&H

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